Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DIY Cloth Wipes

After switching to cloth diapers, I decided it would be much simpler and save even MORE money if I switched to cloth wipes, too. After taking a trip to the local fabric store, I realized they didn't have a great selection of flannel. They just weren't my style. So, I purchased white flannel and a tie-dye kit and headed home. After washing and drying the flannel, I folded 1 yard of fabric over, so there were two layers. I then measured 8"x8" and cut. These are considered '2 ply' because they are made up of 2 layers. I then pinned the 4 sides to keep the fabric from shifting. Since I do not have a serger, I did a straight stitch all the way around and then a zigzag stitch over that.
 Then, I opened my tie-dying kit and followed the instructions. I got the cloth damp and then decided to do a swirl/spiral design so I twisted it in the middle until it was tight.
 I secured it with a couple of rubber bands.
 Tie-dying is fun. Kind of addicting. Ugh, great. ANOTHER addiction. ;) I let them sit in plastic wrap overnight and rinsed, washed. Here's how they turned out!

Groovy. =)