Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aprons and Dirty Mirrors

Okay, so since I've gotten my new sewing machine, I've really been using it for completely necessary things for our household. Mostly, I've been making things for myself and my daughter but making things, none-the-less. Yes, there have been times that it has collected some dust, but only because I've been so overwhelmed with the kiddos that there really isn't any time to just sit down for an hour at a time to punch out a project. Anyway, I thought I'd share with you one of the things that I've been making to maybe inspire you. I know I need inspiration some days, but boy when I get some, LOOK OUT 'cause I'm gonna be a sewin' mama all day. Lol One of my latest projects was an apron for my sister-in-law. She's been having a rough go of things so my MIL and I decided that it would be a great gift for her. Little did I know, this would be H-A-R-D! I mean, I used to sew back in my college days. A skirt here, a tube top there...but never anything complex, difficult or with instructions. As a finished project, I didn't think it was too shabby but when I was asked if I was going to make one for myself, I quickly replied, "Nope. Not now." I was only able to make it because Gramma Gramma had Ryk' for a few days, which only gave me 'Riyah to take care of. I seriously think it would take me over a week to make something like this with both kids on my hands. So, there my fabric sits. Sad. Alone. Begging to be sewed up into a cute little number like this...
Like I said, first apron ever. First project with a pattern. Yep.
Ugh. I hold my head in shame not because of the picture quality, the apron, or the dirty kitchen behind me. Shamed because of this dirty, dirty mirror. Ew. Since moving into our new house in September, we've been slowly integrating our garage full of odds and ends into the house. Well, apparently we hadn't gotten to the full length mirrors yet. I know, right? So I had to go out into our pit of a garage and pull this out just to get a good full-length picture of the thing. Sorry, I did NOT realize it was this dirty before (or obviously after) taking this picture. Ahem. Moving on.

I found the pattern for this here but I changed the shape at the bottom to a 'U' shape and added ruffles! Cute, eh? So, hoping to someday get to mine, since it fit me like a glove and was flattering too! =)

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