Life as a daughter of the Lord, wife, mother of two kiddos and photographer ~ A Family Blog
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Cloth Diapers are Easy and Inexpensive
My goal is to show the world how easy it is to cloth diaper a baby. Hold on to your child's (soon to be) cloth-diapered-rear! =)
First, to get a visual, you need to understand what kind of cloth diaper we use. I really enjoy Cotton Babies! For 6 months my daughter exclusively wore the bumGenius! 4.0 One Size Stay Dry pocket diaper with snap closure (she's 8 months old and has already figured out how to undo the velcro). So, snaps it is. Okay, moving on.
When my husband and I made the decision for me to be a stay at home Mom with our two children, we both realized we needed to make a commitment to saving money and make our decision feasible. It's still amazing to me just how much 'tunnel' vision I had as a mom. We threw so much money towards buying thousands of diapers and wipes verses 18 cloth diapers and cloth wipes in a continual rotation that have a reputation to last past potty training because you can adjust the size as they grow, trash bags to hold disposables verses washing one load of diapers each day, multiple trips to the store clear across town each week for disposables verses no trips to the store and rash ointments upon rash ointments from disposables verses NO rash and thus, no ointments. Cloth diapering has saved me way more money (and time) than anyone can estimate. Seriously.
I knew all about the hassle of disposables from my first child. I had NO idea there were other options. I had NO idea cloth diapers were any more advanced than cloth folded and pinned around a baby. I had NO clue, until I had my second child, Moriyah. She had such sensitive skin that many kinds of disposables would make her bum-bum rash and break open like crazy. Not fun. So, after trying at least 10 different kinds of disposables and chemical-filled ointments, I turned to the internet to find other options. After doing some research, I found out that most disposables are filled with chemicals and toxins bad for baby and the environment. This is when the door to cloth diapering benefits, was opened (angels singing in the background).=) Just knowing that all those harmful chemicals were not touching my baby made it easier to start cloth diapering and not look back.
I love cloth diapers in so many ways.
The diapers are cute and they make outfits much easier because you can have them as bottoms/pants. Two in one. In the summer, 'Riyah wore bottom-less dresses that matched them and you couldn't even tell they were diapers! Now that it's winter, I make her leg warmers and she can still sport them with just a long sleeved shirt and warmers! Perfect!
Also, this makes for easy access for diaper changes instead of having to peel layer after layer off to get to an ugly disposable. I've recently learned how to decorate our cloth diapers so they're more personalized! (read my tutorial here).
They keep baby 'Riyah's butt DRY! The material that is next to her skin sucks any moisture away from her bum and to the thirsty insert inside the pocket. Since it is a pocket diaper, you can easily customize how much absorbency your baby needs! You can't do that with disposables. So at night, we double up the inserts because she wets heavier at night. Her inserts can be dripping wet, but her bum will be dry as a bone, which prevents diaper rash!!! LOVE! This actually makes our diaper changes faster with cloth than disposable because I don't have to apply any preventative creams or ointments and I don't have to apply any to heal her either because she doesn't have that issue now that we've switched to cloth!
Poop issue is minimal. MINIMAL, I TELL YOU!!! The band of elastic around the legs and her back prevent ANY leaks. I can honestly say that she's NEVER had the poop explosion up the back while wearing these. Since she was exclusively breastfed until she was 6 months, we didn't need to worry about the factor of getting solid poops out of the diaper before washing. Exclusive breastfed poop is very thin, naturally, so it washes out easily and great in the washer! Now that she's on solids, I have a system where I take the poopy diapers and use a diaper sprayer to spray off the firm poo into the toilet and then throw the cloth diaper load in the wash. This makes laundering them even easier than it already is! My hands never touch poop. Oh, and yes, I easily installed the diaper sprayer myself and yes, it took me less than 5 minutes. I know some might think it is gross to wash a little poo and pee in the washer, but guess what? It's not. I know because the diapers are 'squeaky' clean when they come out and my washer tub is spotless, as well.
Changing her cloth diapers is easy-peasy. So, 'Riyah has a wet. I lay her down on the changing table and get out her cloth diaper. (In the photo, you'll notice there are a number of snaps to accommodate your baby's size as they grow. One diaper fits from from 7 to 35 lbs.)
Then, I 'stuff' the diaper with desired inserts to adjust to her needed absorbency. (Each 4.0 diaper comes with one One-Size Insert that is adjustable for sizing accommodations and one Newborn Doubler).
In the photo, to give you a visual of where and how, I used a colored book instead of the inserts as you could not see very well with the white inserts going into the white diaper.
Next, I unsnap and remove her soiled/wet diaper and place it in a 'dry pail' (Ours looks like this. When the tote/'dry pail' gets full with usually 8 or 9 diapers for ours, it is time to do a wash). I use cloth wipes and water to get her bum clean, as well, which also go in the 'dry pail'. Then I place the clean and newly 'stuffed' diaper on her, pull until snug and secure with the snaps (exact same process as putting on a disposable, except there are snaps). EASY! Painless! Fast! Non-irritating!
Check out our cloth diaper routine: Part 1 here.and Part 2 here. I have added to my stash since this video. I have added the bumGenius Freetimes, Blissful Booty Perfect Pockets (my new favie), and Grovia AIO's.
(I could literally go on for days about why we love them...)
When people notice me changing one of her cloth diapers, they gasp and stare. Literally. It's sad that more people don't know about them. They watch me and they see how simple it is and after I'm done...they ask questions. Every time, they are amazed at how easy the system of cloth diapering works. Awareness! (YAY!)
So now, it's your turn. Comment below! Ask questions! Oh...and try a cloth diaper. You never know until you've tried it.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Painting a PUL Cloth Diaper - bumGenius!
So, I got curious one day and searched the web
for any direction on creating cool designs on diaper shells. I don't
mind the solid colors, but I really think there are a few I could spruce
up a bit. Anyway, there were a couple of very brief comments in group
discussions on the subject so I decided to give it a whirl. I went to
Hobby Lobby and bought some acrylic paint in assorted colors, stencils
and textile medium (a liquid that makes acrylic paint permanent on most
fabrics). I had bought some plain white shells from the cotton babies
website. I was itching to get started. Here goes...
1. Wash diapers/fabric and dry to be sure nothing will shrink. That way, your design will stay put.
2. Find something to help the diaper stay flat. I shoved a book in there, but be careful of sharp objects, as they may scratch through your pull shell, making the diaper useless. Maybe wrap a book's edges with a washcloth or something soft to prevent this. I also tried a bent wire and plastic hanger on my second diaper. That seemed to stretch the diaper the full length and I felt worked a lot better. I made sure the poky parts were covered with something soft.
5. Start painting!
6. When finished, carefully and slowly peel the stencil away from the diaper. Be careful NOT to lay the stencil back down once lifted as this may cause unwanted paint to go onto the diaper.
7. Let dry completely. Then, to set the color permanently, throw in the dryer for a good 20 minutes on the highest heat setting you can. Wash cold. Wash hot. Dry. Done!
Second diaper! Instead of stenciling directly onto the diaper, I traced the stencil onto the diaper and painted over the tracing.
1. Wash diapers/fabric and dry to be sure nothing will shrink. That way, your design will stay put.
2. Find something to help the diaper stay flat. I shoved a book in there, but be careful of sharp objects, as they may scratch through your pull shell, making the diaper useless. Maybe wrap a book's edges with a washcloth or something soft to prevent this. I also tried a bent wire and plastic hanger on my second diaper. That seemed to stretch the diaper the full length and I felt worked a lot better. I made sure the poky parts were covered with something soft.
Place your stencil. Secure stencil with tape. On my second diaper, I
actually took a pen and traced the stencil on the diaper, removed the
stencil plastic after tracing and then painted from the pen marks. That
seemed to work okay too. I found that if you don't have the stencil
flush against the diaper, the paint bleeds underneath the stencil lines
and your shape kind of globs together underneath the stencil plastic if
you are not careful. My first diaper did, but not enough for me to
really tell or care.
Mix one part medium to two parts paint. I used old baby food jars to
mix and keep the paint colors I mixed. Choose your paintbrush. Have a
cup of water and old fabric to wipe off excess paint, clean your brush,
etc.5. Start painting!
6. When finished, carefully and slowly peel the stencil away from the diaper. Be careful NOT to lay the stencil back down once lifted as this may cause unwanted paint to go onto the diaper.
7. Let dry completely. Then, to set the color permanently, throw in the dryer for a good 20 minutes on the highest heat setting you can. Wash cold. Wash hot. Dry. Done!
Second diaper! Instead of stenciling directly onto the diaper, I traced the stencil onto the diaper and painted over the tracing.
Back from Momentary Insanity
Woah. It's been a crazy past month, that's for sure. Blog got put on hold due to a few serious issues. Ryker got Viral Pneumonia and was in the hospital for 3 1/2 days...ugh. Moriyah got in 6 new teeth...ugghhh.I turned in one of our basement spare bedrooms into a photography studio (with business picking up! Woo!) So needless to say, I haven't really had time for anything...
The Lord definitely brought me to my knees during Ryker's hospital stay, which was much needed. I have been straying off His path for me by getting distracted. So Amen. His ways are not our ways. Thankfully, His healing hand was merciful to our son. Ryker was admitted to the hospital after a visit to the clinic earlier that day and the ER that night. He was kept until the following Wednesday night. He was put on two different antibiotics and breathing treatments every 4 hours. After the blood-work stumped the doctors, they finally settled on Viral Pneumonia. =/ Anyhow, we got to come home and he slept the entire first night in our giant lovesac downstairs. It was the only thing with an incline that was comfortable enough for him. It worked! Soon after we were home, 'Riyah came down with a cold...and I thought to myself, "Please Lord, do not let her get this gunk..." and He heard my prayers. She still has a bit of a runny nose, but it wasn't worse than her fussing and waking up often to the poor throbbing pain of her 'toofies'. Since they've popped through, she's been a much happier baby. But I have to say...her top two teeth are GINORMOUS. This girl's gonna have a mouth full of big 'ol chompers. All the better to eat food with, my dear. hehe
Ryan is still busy with Army, School and being a R.N. We try to salvage any time we have to see each other, but it's hard. =( I appreciate his dedication and hard work. Go Team Zulkoski!
Anyway, I will be posting some recent and not so recent projects so check back!
Love to all...
The Lord definitely brought me to my knees during Ryker's hospital stay, which was much needed. I have been straying off His path for me by getting distracted. So Amen. His ways are not our ways. Thankfully, His healing hand was merciful to our son. Ryker was admitted to the hospital after a visit to the clinic earlier that day and the ER that night. He was kept until the following Wednesday night. He was put on two different antibiotics and breathing treatments every 4 hours. After the blood-work stumped the doctors, they finally settled on Viral Pneumonia. =/ Anyhow, we got to come home and he slept the entire first night in our giant lovesac downstairs. It was the only thing with an incline that was comfortable enough for him. It worked! Soon after we were home, 'Riyah came down with a cold...and I thought to myself, "Please Lord, do not let her get this gunk..." and He heard my prayers. She still has a bit of a runny nose, but it wasn't worse than her fussing and waking up often to the poor throbbing pain of her 'toofies'. Since they've popped through, she's been a much happier baby. But I have to say...her top two teeth are GINORMOUS. This girl's gonna have a mouth full of big 'ol chompers. All the better to eat food with, my dear. hehe
Ryan is still busy with Army, School and being a R.N. We try to salvage any time we have to see each other, but it's hard. =( I appreciate his dedication and hard work. Go Team Zulkoski!
Anyway, I will be posting some recent and not so recent projects so check back!
Love to all...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saving Money Sunday
The Art of Saving Money. Some say, it would be a science, but I say saving money is an art, because it's a beautiful thing that you can see. =) So even though I'm not very artistically savvy, I am practicing and getting better at it. Since I'm a stay at home momma (part-time self employed photographer), saving my family money is a big deal. Plus, it makes my hubby a lot less grumpy. More smiles. That's a plus. Sometimes, I'll pitch him an idea that he absolutely thinks is ridiculous for me to try, a waste of time, blah blah blah, harrumph. After I tell him how much money it will save us, and show him how easy it was for me to do it, he smiles. That's all I need. =) It let's me know I'm doing good. So, to help others who need some extra change in their pocket going jing-a-ling-a-ling, here's ten things I'm doing to help save my family money today...
1) Cloth diapers
-bumGenius 4.0 pocket diapers, to be exact. I love these. They keep her butt dry and she hardly EVER gets rash or irritation which saves us from buying lots of expensive diaper ointments and creams. Every bumgenius pocket diaper comes with a large insert to stuff in the diaper shell to soak up the potty and a small newborn/doubler insert for extra protection.
2) Cloth wipes
-Well, I honestly never use the doublers, so I decided to use them as her wipes! She has terribly sensitive skin so I just spritz some water on her and the wipe and clean up her bum between every diaper change. Then, I just throw the wipes in her diaper pail for laundry time! I also made a dozen of my own out of two layers of flannel. I use the flannel wipes for her wet diapers and the doublers for her dirty diapers as I've found the flannel ones don't 'grab' onto the poo quite as well.
3) Cloth nursing pads
-Leaking boobs. Sigh. I decided to make my own nursing pads with the same concept as the diapers Moriyah uses. They work amazing.
4) Breastfeeding
-enough said =)
5) Handkerchiefs
-We've all gotten colds this past week, which means lots of boogies and snot. Ew. We ran out of our last kleenex in the house the day before we came down with the snot-monster. No joke. So, I went through my headband baggie and found some! And you know what? No owies or crusty rawness under our noses! (fist pump!)
6) Terry cloth kitchen towels
-No more paper towels. Sad, but true. I used to go through a roll in a day, or worse, a whole tub of clorox wipes when I was on a cleaning binge. But no more. Now, I'm currently in the process of making my own cleaning solution.
7) Homemade dishwasher detergent
-I found it on this link ==>
I found that it works fantastic! Instead of using 'LemiShine' like she asked for, I used white vinegar as a separate rinsing agent. FANTASTIC! It works just as good as the most expensive dish detergent I've ever bought.
8) Homemade mouthwash, shampoo, body scrub, hand sanitizer, etc. etc.
-I found it on this link ===>
I love this site. LOVE! Simple. Easy.
9) Plastic over the windows!
-I used the 3M packs. Comes with a 'shrinkwrap' type plastic, 2 sided tape and alcohol wipes. Quite honestly, you could probably just do this yourself for much less, but I bought them over a year ago at a garage sale, so I figured I might as well use 'em. This WORKS! I can actually see the plastic moving when it's windy and the windows are completely shut and locked! That's ice cold air that won't be entering my home and making my heater run constantly. WOO!
10) Coupons
-I'm no extreme coupon-er, but I enjoy saving money. I need to get the Sunday paper, but I don't have it yet, so I've been looking online for some awesome-possum sites where you can print coupons at home and use in the stores! Here's some...
Walmart coupons - as much as I hate shopping there, they have amazing yeah
Shop at
Basically, all you need to do is go to google and type in 'coupons'.
Well, there ya have it! Just ten things I'm doing to save us money! I hope I've been able to inspire you as much as I've been inspired. It's really amazing how many chemicals are in so many things. It's also sadly amazing how much landfill waste could be prevented. Awareness is key.
1) Cloth diapers
-bumGenius 4.0 pocket diapers, to be exact. I love these. They keep her butt dry and she hardly EVER gets rash or irritation which saves us from buying lots of expensive diaper ointments and creams. Every bumgenius pocket diaper comes with a large insert to stuff in the diaper shell to soak up the potty and a small newborn/doubler insert for extra protection.
2) Cloth wipes
-Well, I honestly never use the doublers, so I decided to use them as her wipes! She has terribly sensitive skin so I just spritz some water on her and the wipe and clean up her bum between every diaper change. Then, I just throw the wipes in her diaper pail for laundry time! I also made a dozen of my own out of two layers of flannel. I use the flannel wipes for her wet diapers and the doublers for her dirty diapers as I've found the flannel ones don't 'grab' onto the poo quite as well.
3) Cloth nursing pads
-Leaking boobs. Sigh. I decided to make my own nursing pads with the same concept as the diapers Moriyah uses. They work amazing.
4) Breastfeeding
-enough said =)
5) Handkerchiefs
-We've all gotten colds this past week, which means lots of boogies and snot. Ew. We ran out of our last kleenex in the house the day before we came down with the snot-monster. No joke. So, I went through my headband baggie and found some! And you know what? No owies or crusty rawness under our noses! (fist pump!)
6) Terry cloth kitchen towels
-No more paper towels. Sad, but true. I used to go through a roll in a day, or worse, a whole tub of clorox wipes when I was on a cleaning binge. But no more. Now, I'm currently in the process of making my own cleaning solution.
7) Homemade dishwasher detergent
-I found it on this link ==>
I found that it works fantastic! Instead of using 'LemiShine' like she asked for, I used white vinegar as a separate rinsing agent. FANTASTIC! It works just as good as the most expensive dish detergent I've ever bought.
8) Homemade mouthwash, shampoo, body scrub, hand sanitizer, etc. etc.
-I found it on this link ===>
I love this site. LOVE! Simple. Easy.
9) Plastic over the windows!
-I used the 3M packs. Comes with a 'shrinkwrap' type plastic, 2 sided tape and alcohol wipes. Quite honestly, you could probably just do this yourself for much less, but I bought them over a year ago at a garage sale, so I figured I might as well use 'em. This WORKS! I can actually see the plastic moving when it's windy and the windows are completely shut and locked! That's ice cold air that won't be entering my home and making my heater run constantly. WOO!
10) Coupons
-I'm no extreme coupon-er, but I enjoy saving money. I need to get the Sunday paper, but I don't have it yet, so I've been looking online for some awesome-possum sites where you can print coupons at home and use in the stores! Here's some...
Walmart coupons - as much as I hate shopping there, they have amazing yeah
Shop at
Basically, all you need to do is go to google and type in 'coupons'.
Well, there ya have it! Just ten things I'm doing to save us money! I hope I've been able to inspire you as much as I've been inspired. It's really amazing how many chemicals are in so many things. It's also sadly amazing how much landfill waste could be prevented. Awareness is key.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Well, SWEET! Since I don't have a personal fb account anymore, I was inspired by my cousin (among other things) to start a bloggity blog. Mostly for family so they can check out updates with the kiddos. Ryker, 3.5 years and Moriyah, 6 months. These kids are crazy to the bone. I think they get that from their dad...mostly. =) Anywhoo, here it is and since I'm a newly-hatched blogger, bear with me.
Thing(s) we did today that made me smile/crack up:
-we bundled up in our new, family-matching, 'Fudd' hats and winter coats and went for a little stroll to the park closest to us (thank goodness because by the time we got home, I couldn't make the hot chocolate any hotter without burning myself. Yum) So, we got to the park and Ryker immediately went into Ninja-mode, flailing his arms and legs all while grunting and growling, with a "hiii-yah!" slipping out every once in awhile. Ninjas, superheroes and pirates are his favie lately.Very entertaining.

-I drove to the closest gas station...having a new craving, brought home and ate a package of Hostess snowballs...mmmm...they were so delicious, I was inspired to find a recipe online to mimic the face-stuffing deliciousness. I found this ==>
I will be trying this soon....oh, so very soon. In my opinion, not soon enough.
-Moriyah has started pulling herself to standing and if there's any kind of music coming from a toy she likes, she'll go crawl on top of it and stick her butt up as high in the air as she can and shake it. SHAKE. IT. Hilarious.
I apologize for the poor-quality phone pics...but it helps you get a better visual as you smile. =)
Thing(s) we did today that made me smile/crack up:
-we bundled up in our new, family-matching, 'Fudd' hats and winter coats and went for a little stroll to the park closest to us (thank goodness because by the time we got home, I couldn't make the hot chocolate any hotter without burning myself. Yum) So, we got to the park and Ryker immediately went into Ninja-mode, flailing his arms and legs all while grunting and growling, with a "hiii-yah!" slipping out every once in awhile. Ninjas, superheroes and pirates are his favie lately.Very entertaining.

-I drove to the closest gas station...having a new craving, brought home and ate a package of Hostess snowballs...mmmm...they were so delicious, I was inspired to find a recipe online to mimic the face-stuffing deliciousness. I found this ==>
I will be trying this soon....oh, so very soon. In my opinion, not soon enough.
-Moriyah has started pulling herself to standing and if there's any kind of music coming from a toy she likes, she'll go crawl on top of it and stick her butt up as high in the air as she can and shake it. SHAKE. IT. Hilarious.
I apologize for the poor-quality phone pics...but it helps you get a better visual as you smile. =)
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