Monday, February 6, 2012

Snowman Poop and a Snow Scoop

     I love snow. For those who don't know, 'snowman poop' is really just marshmallows. But oh my, marshmallows are delicious. I'm going off on a tangent here. Bear with me. Marshmallows. I love them. They go perfectly in a big, steaming cup of hot chocolate. I love how they melt into a frothy foam and stick to my lip when I go to take a sip. Yum. I never usually use marshmallows for anything other than Campfire Smore Cookies so I really, REALLY, look forward to our yearly winters. Unfortunately, this year's winter has been somewhat of a dud. I know, how crazy can I be for wanting so much snow that we wouldn't be able to get out of our front door? Crazy, I guess, but that's why I live in good ol' Nebraska instead of Hawaii. Nonetheless, it f-i-n-a-l-l-y snowed. I think we got some snow clear back in October or November, but nothing since then. Boo. So I was oober excited when I heard we were going to get a good snowing. I went to the store early, worst idea ever as every other person in the 30 mile vicinity must have had the same plan as me. I stocked up on water, stuff for pot roast, runzas, cookies and pulled bbq beef sandwiches. MMMmmm. The thought of being snowed in with lots of hot food made my mouth water and my knees quiver with excitement! I topped off my car with gas, and headed home, started the pot roast in the crock pot and sat back waiting.

     It started raining...sigh. RAINING! It's FEBRUARY! SIGH. Then, it rained some more. I finally got so depressed at looking at the rain, I decided to not look out the window again until morning. To my surprise, when I woke up, there was at least 6 inches with wavy dunes deeper than a foot. YES. The only bad part? Hubby had Army drill in the next town over, a 45 minute drive. He still hadn't received a call from his commanding officer calling it off. No. I was somewhat furious they encouraged driving in deadly conditions. Anyway, when hubby woke up around 5 am and started loading his car, I was grumpy. I did not like the idea of him driving in this, not to mention in his tiny Focus. Yeah. The hubby does have a pride in that car because it's literally plowed through drifts almost higher than itself. Thank The Lord for hearing my prayers, because he got stuck 20 feet out of the driveway. =) I had just nursed 'Riyah back to sleep on our bed and was watching him out the window thinking I should go put her back in her crib and take him the scoop shovel. He made it back into the driveway and trudged inside. Snowday. (fist pump...yes!) I was looking forward to a day as a family with no obligations. Pure awesomeness. Needless to say, the pot roast was amazing, the snow was amazing and the family nap was A-MA-ZING. =) Can't beat a day like that. Thank You Lord.

After the storm passed and melted a bit, we took a trip outside. =)

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